Tuesday, June 30, 2009

All That Twitters is not Gold

I am... was... addicted to twitter.

It held a fascination for me. It was very satisfying to see how quickly my posts reached the base we call our "followers." It was like a small ego boost to know that others found me interesting in some small way.

Checking for replies to my tweets became a sport. How many... how quickly... how diverse... how many agreed... how many did not. Sometimes I hurt people's feelings. Never on purpose. I was just being my old sarcastic self... in a very loving way. I hope no one ever took me very seriously. I think I've escaped without too much controversy. When I say escaped, I mean that I don't feel the need to check twitter 24 hrs a day anymore. I am not on it very frequently... or at least not as frequently as I used to be.

I am curious to know who else feels the same. Do you visit as often as you did even a few weeks ago? Or have your visits, like mine, dwindled to just a few times a day... maybe even skipping a day here and there? I plan on sticking around for awhile, I like the conversation... but boy is it ever boring when no one is answering you. I imagine that this is how that guy walking down the street talking to himself feels... he keeps talking but no one answers... so he doesn't even wait for answers anymore... he just keeps talking.